To Ken, Love Barbie...

Remember when you named me Barbie?
I was your 6 ft hottie with the black Barbie body...
And you?
You were -and still are- my Ken.

Young, wise, thoughtful and kind-
body like Adonis and genius in the mind.
Caring, responsible, strong and sweet,
hard working, honest- You're a precious commodity!
Do you remember crayons at the table-
and rocket science lessons?
Rice paper letters-
and hidden musical messages?
Long talks past midnite-
and melodies by candlelight?
I still feel the tender way you held my hand,
as we stood in the middle of the floor to dance.
Thoughts mingle, minds intertwine,
our exchange is so fluid-
the feeling so sublime...
As we dip and swirl
on our mental dance floor-
I feel like a grown woman...

while knowing I'm your baby-
even if it's just for tonight.
The timber of your voice is more than bliss-
when compliments fall from your lips.
Your airplane has become my favorite too-
and every time "the mouse" moves,
I think of you...
If I had to tell a secret I guess it would be:
You'll always be my Ken. :*

At 7/17/2006 10:29 AM,
Now this is a sweet piece, made my cry just a lil bit. Thanks for hitting my blog, I'll be back to yours shortly!
At 7/17/2006 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Where did u get the picture of the Black couple dancing?? I like that picture!!
At 7/17/2006 10:56 AM,
BK said…
*sniff* sometimes I swear you speak what I have in my heart!
At 7/17/2006 11:49 AM,
Mocha said…
Very sweet.
At 7/17/2006 12:45 PM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
ooh somebody is feeling lovey dovey!!
go 'head girl and flex them writing skills. we know you got it going on!
At 7/17/2006 12:46 PM,
Sangindiva said…
@ Koffee- Hey Gurl Glad to see ya!
I hit up your spot :)
@Slump- Aww thank you daddy, just tryin' to be like you :)
@ epslilon- The INTERNET BABAY!!! The internet is the sum of the world's knowledge... you can find EVERYTHING there... including that picture!
@daddy's girl- Bklyn! you know how us gemini's do!
Glad you feel me :)
@Nichelle- GUUUURL! Hell naw!!!hahahaha!
That clown could NEVER incite me to... chrous...
@ mocha- Thanx girly... I'm comin' over!
At 7/17/2006 12:51 PM,
Sangindiva said…
@ Glam- GUUUURL didn't I tell you I was in bootcamp!!!
They breakin' me dooown gurl, breakin' me down! hahaha!
At 7/17/2006 1:34 PM,
Cece said…
Aww!! I just want to know exactly whom are we referring to in this post? Don't worry it will be just between you and me ;-)
At 7/17/2006 1:38 PM,
Miz JJ said…
Nice. Reminds me of that feeling. That being in love feeling.
At 7/17/2006 3:20 PM,
That Girl Tam said…
ok heffa you been holding back!!! We needs ta talk!!! I'mma corner yo ass on Saturday til you tell me EVERYTHING! HAHAHAHA!!
At 7/17/2006 3:42 PM,
Sangindiva said…
I am just writing. If "Ken" was inspired by a real person-
We couldn't be together anyway SOOOOO
just enjoy the poetry!!!
I'm not saying that loving feelin' ain't nice...
I'm juss sayin'.
At 7/17/2006 4:35 PM,
nikki said…
this was adorable! ahhhh...if only i had a ken...:(
At 7/17/2006 5:22 PM,
Isha said…
Sweet mama...very sweet...I see you gotta back all those Cupids off of ya'!
Good thing you did not write a hater poem...then someone would be in trouble!
At 7/17/2006 7:07 PM,
Charles said…
Hey!! I can't believe that I haven't been to your page...given all the familiar faces that drop by your spot. Aww, you want me as your blog crush?? That's sweet. Anyways...I loved this post. And you are definitely getting added to the list of my daily visits.
At 7/18/2006 7:23 AM,
Brea said…
Loving this post. Wow.
At 7/18/2006 3:04 PM,
The Humanity Critic said…
I liked that piece a lot, bravo.
At 7/18/2006 3:42 PM,
Rashan Jamal said…
tres cool, sangin'!!!
At 7/18/2006 6:29 PM,
Darbs said…
How very sweet..."Ken" is a very lucky guy!
At 7/18/2006 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well... If "Ken" were a real person-
I am sure he would be honored and humbled by you directing your extraordinary gift of self-expression at him!
You made time stop with this post Sangindiva!!
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