The Diva Book

A real life behind the scenes look at the life of the International Superstar Sangindiva...

Friday, March 23, 2007

A look through my lens...

Although I have been lacking in the blog arena-
I still have been living a life of fabulousness (of course)!

I am always taking pictures.
Although I'm on the road now (as always)-
(and bored in my hotel room in Greenville, S. Carolina),
I was going through my camera and looking at
all the moments in time I've captured...

Since my blogging has been lacking and
I'm trying get the spirit back,
Since I know I probably won't go backwards
with old stories,
Since I love taking pictures (obviously) :)
I'm going to show you some of the pictures
on my camera- not all - just some :)

Sangindiva presents-
A Look Through My Lens...

So let's start with this one:

I MET BLOGGER WILL!!!! -----> (His site)
after a few sad attempts at taking a picture together...
we finally got it right :)

A trip to cold Canada...
(Hi bonku)

On stage at the Zulu Ball '07
for Marti Gras in New Orleans

Backstage with a maid of the Zulu court

Backstage with the Whispers in Atlanta

Me and Glam at our grilled cheese ladies night

Me and Joey...

Me and (another) band after a show

Me and Mike "BEAST on the Bass" Manson
-----> (His site)

Me and the Hot Boyz (producers) @ the studio

Me and Dub C (Westside Connection)

Me and Butch Cassidy

Having a laugh....

And loving my life!!

Dress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll Palace



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