A look through my lens...
Although I have been lacking in the blog arena-
I still have been living a life of fabulousness (of course)!
I am always taking pictures.
Although I'm on the road now (as always)-
(and bored in my hotel room in Greenville, S. Carolina),
I was going through my camera and looking at
all the moments in time I've captured...
Since my blogging has been lacking and
I'm trying get the spirit back,
Since I know I probably won't go backwards
with old stories,
Since I love taking pictures (obviously) :)
I'm going to show you some of the pictures
on my camera- not all - just some :)
Sangindiva presents-
A Look Through My Lens...
So let's start with this one:
I MET BLOGGER WILL!!!! -----> (His site)
after a few sad attempts at taking a picture together...
we finally got it right :)
A trip to cold Canada...
(Hi bonku)
On stage at the Zulu Ball '07
for Marti Gras in New Orleans
Backstage with a maid of the Zulu court
Backstage with the Whispers in Atlanta
Me and Glam at our grilled cheese ladies night
Me and Joey...
Me and (another) band after a show
Me and Mike "BEAST on the Bass" Manson
-----> (His site)
Me and the Hot Boyz (producers) @ the studio
Me and Dub C (Westside Connection)
Me and Butch Cassidy
Having a laugh....
And loving my life!!
At 3/23/2007 8:23 AM, Ms.Honey said…
That last pic of you is soo jazzy. You are doing it big and I'm happy that you get to do something that you love..you are truly blessed....take care and have a wonderful weekend
At 3/23/2007 9:53 AM, Brea said…
You are so photogenic and you have such a beautiful smile! Thanks for sharing the pics.
At 3/23/2007 6:08 PM, CreoleInDC said…
HEY ANSEL...I mean Sangin! ROFL!
Smooches Princess!
At 3/24/2007 3:48 AM, Disco said…
Great pictures! Keep sangin !
At 3/24/2007 11:59 AM, TTD said…
thanks for sharing.. be glad when u find that bloggin spirit again :-)
At 3/24/2007 11:18 PM, Anonymous said…
Thanks for letting us take a peek at the fabulous life of a DIVA!!
Ditto on the last pic, looks like life is HEAVENLY.
At 3/26/2007 8:36 AM, African girl, American world said…
oh so fabulous and glamorous. You and Glam look devine :)
You're so tall towering over everybody. Even in my highest heels, I would come up to your belly button...LOL!
Hey Shan *waving*
At 3/26/2007 5:39 PM, Paula D. said…
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At 3/26/2007 5:40 PM, Paula D. said…
These are great! Keep 'em coming
At 3/27/2007 8:59 AM, SomeOne said…
beautiful pics
At 3/27/2007 10:50 PM, DivineLavender said…
At 3/28/2007 6:46 AM, BK said…
I Love it.. I needed a pick me up and this did it.. glad to see one of my sista's so happy in what they do!!!
At 3/28/2007 8:09 AM, Miz JJ said…
Were you in Vancouver? I thought I saw a BC flag in the Canada picture. Jealous. That is my hometown. As usual you look gorgeous. Good to see you are busy and sanging.
At 3/28/2007 5:29 PM, P said…
Love, Love, Love the Mardi Gras pictures, and I did drop a line to Will as well. He has a nice site.
Gurrl. . . It looks colder than a mufa out there in the CA.
And as for you and Glam. Gorgeous, just gorgeous snapshots.
At 4/01/2007 9:58 AM, Anonymous said…
hey ur blog is really cool. thx for the comment on my blog.
I'm gonna keep looking at what else you got on this blog.
You seem like a very happy person. :)
At 4/01/2007 7:50 PM, A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
hey girl...loving that you are back to the photo blog.
At 4/02/2007 6:59 AM, Little Brown Girl said…
We miss u Momma!!! Hurry Back to us :-)
At 4/02/2007 8:12 AM, 1969 said…
So beautiful! We do indeed miss you.
At 4/02/2007 8:56 AM, Anonymous said…
I like the pic of you laughing. Yup that is my favorite.
At 4/05/2007 5:18 AM, mwenye kichwa said…
giiiirl get out! you look soo puerdy in the last pic.. fabudivalous!
At 4/05/2007 7:43 AM, SLUMP FACADE said…
Where are the NEW pics with you and Halle Berry, come on, stop holding back! ...by the way, when you meet her, give her my #, we have a few things to discuss...
At 4/22/2007 8:04 PM, Unknown said…
Hi sweetie, This is Charonda from Georgia!! I miss you much. I would give anything to get a hotel room and flip channels and have nothing to do. Ha!! I am so busy I can't see straight. I love your blogs. Don't stop. And hollar at a sista when you come back this way.
At 4/24/2007 10:34 PM, DivineLavender said…
Sistah....you out there and doing well I will assume.
I just miss your words!
At 5/14/2007 12:00 PM, Anonymous said…
Where u at girl!!!
Girl that blogger Will is cute!!
At 5/16/2007 6:43 PM, CreoleInDC said…
When you coming back???? Sheesh!
At 5/17/2007 11:26 AM, Anonymous said…
Dang! We miss ya girl and your fabulous pictures. Looks like you've been gone as long as I have. Smile.
Hope you are doing well. Peace and Blessing to you!
At 5/21/2007 5:37 PM, sweetie kia said…
I miss your pix and posts. I'll come back if you will. After almost a year, I am going to go write something on my blog right now. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Get to posting girlfriend!!!!
At 6/01/2007 1:06 AM, Unknown said…
I'm glad to see you back doing your thing.
At 6/14/2007 10:23 PM, mwenye kichwa said…
child you need to update this place!! hope yo pretty lil self's been well tho! *hugs*
At 6/27/2007 5:36 PM, CreoleInDC said…
I always look for the pic of you and Joey first. LOL!
At 7/09/2007 12:03 PM, Knockout Zed said…
Good shit yungsta!
At 7/09/2007 7:30 PM, DivineLavender said…
Diva, Where you at?
At 7/15/2007 11:40 AM, Anonymous said…
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At 7/15/2007 8:40 PM, Angel said…
I posted something new...
At 8/29/2007 9:53 PM, Anonymous said…
you look beautiful!
it's been too long.
At 10/12/2007 8:27 AM, Chin up, keep it straight! said…
ahhh, i miss ya! :o)
At 10/26/2007 10:44 AM, bRandy said…
where you at ma? i miss you!
At 11/16/2007 9:15 AM, Anonymous said…
Are you ever gonna update?
At 12/20/2007 5:07 PM, All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said…
u write well and have a litle model in u too i see, stop by my spot one day
At 2/01/2008 11:53 PM, Jamaal said…
hey lady, just checkin' in on you
At 3/25/2008 5:59 AM, Anonymous said…
Wow, it's been over a year since you've blogged.
At 4/18/2008 2:11 AM, Anonymous said…
Ms. Sangin Diva
Where did you go?? I have no right to ask that question because I have dropped my bloggin too. But people are still reading it and I know people are reading yours too. Cause yours has all the fancy pictures and songs and stories! Its been a year since your last post. Come on update us...I promise I will do the same.
girl this is meofbeauty...i cant even remember my damn password!
At 5/04/2008 3:48 PM, Eb the Celeb said…
super cute pics!
I see you doing that damn thang!
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