Heeeeeey Yall!
I was sitting at home bored, when I found
an old VHS tape of one of my favorite movies-
LOVE JONES. A throwback from 1997.
Now for those of you who know me (for real)
you already know about the Sangindiva's
T.V. situation... for those of you who don't
here's some background-
* I don't really like or watch t.v.
* I only have one in my house
* It's 13 inches
* It has a VCR at the bottom
* It has a wire hanger for an antenna
* If I didn't have a laptop I couldn't watch DVD's
*I DON'T HAVE CABLE* not even basic...
(see, if I had my camera I could have taken a picture!) :(
Now do you see why the tape seemed so appealing?
I proceeded to pop in the movie AND
cracked open a bottle of Chenin Blanc...
(I must say my buzz was sufficiently ON!)

As I watched the movie,
(and put a DENT in the white wine)
I thought about love... and the jones.

What's it like...
To feel, to touch, to be and in -
What's it like to have a LOVE JONES?
The Urban Dictionary said:
1. love jones
An Attraction for someone;
you're feigning for them in every way...physical and mental.
On this Throwback Thursday tell me-
Have you ever had a love jones?
Do you still have it for that person?

At 7/20/2006 6:35 AM,
TTD said…
yes i did & yes i do.. dont feel bad - i dont have cable either!
At 7/20/2006 9:13 AM,
meofbeauty said…
aww Im having a love jones right now. Mini-Man is on punishment so I did not see him last night. And although he is calling and discussing then apologizing his ass off he wont see me tonight either. So I just got off the phone with him after having a very polite platonic convo. Im doing my work walking around my office and I find myself checking the clock.... and pondering what injury or emergency can I come up with to get me the hell out of here and into his arms. Hes off today and I'm itching to get to him. I want to rub his head, sniff his neck, bite his shoulder, lick his.. ummmm okay must stop jonesing!! But damn just thinking about him makes me touch my belly and moan. I need it! Im fiending!
At 7/20/2006 9:19 AM,
That Girl Tam said…
Poor cable? Feel free to come hang out with me, the Littles AND OUR CABLE anytime! HAHAHAHA!! I lived with no cable, a 13 inch vcr combo tv - ALONE witha 3 year old and a VAST COLLECTION of Disney movies for like 3 months. It was the longest 3 months of my LIFE!! I know "A Bug's Life" (the entire script) by heart and know all the words to the songs in The Little Mermaid and Hercules!
I love Cable TV!
At 7/20/2006 9:28 AM,
Angel said…
yes ma'am i have had a sufficient LOVE JONES! but am currently working on reducing it--turns out it has proven to be quite "toxic" and i'm a delicate flower.... ;-)
At 7/20/2006 10:32 AM,
Sangindiva said…
@Blue- It does feel nice... especially if her is jonesin' for you back.
@ttd- Girl cable is too expensive- I'm never around to watch it and nothing is ever on!
@beauty- You are funny as hell... LOL@ the injury or emergency :)
@Phoenix- Girl if you're cookin' I'll be over, but my feet on the couch and kick it like I was your long lost daughter!!!
@ Angel- toxic is bad... jonesin' is oh so GOOOOD!
@Zeddy- you can tear up for me... I'll still think you're cool :)
At 7/20/2006 12:04 PM,
P said…
Love Jones is da lick, yo!
I can't believe that this movie is almost ten years old.
I like every character in there from the pain in the a$$ bill bellamy, to the eclectic, sensual Lisa Nicole Carson (who by the way, is bona-fide nuts, seriously), to the Dangeously vulnerable parts played by Nia Long and Larenz Tate.
There is NOTHING about this movie that I do not like.
But that's not what your question was.
Yes, I had and have a Love Jones for some one. I really do this that I have a chemical change in my body when I think of this person. It's amazing how the same feeling comes across, every time.
That's usually the one you're talking about on your deathbed, trying to get to them, huh?
What a solemn thought.
At 7/20/2006 12:09 PM,
Cece said…
Yes I have, and I try very hard not to think of him!
At 7/20/2006 12:37 PM,
Miz JJ said…
Love Jones is one of my top ten favorite movies. Hands down. Yah I've had that love jones come down on me before, but not in a long while.
At 7/20/2006 1:27 PM,
Mocha said…
Love that movie!
yeah I had the jones. I've yet to have the fairy tale 'kiss in the rain' ending...but watching that flick gives me hope from time to time...hmm maybe I'll pick it up on the way home!
Thanks for bringing me back
At 7/20/2006 6:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Peace Diva Goddess!
Thanks for leaving your thoughts on my blog. I appreciate it. I know I haven't blogged in a bit..but hey...I am still around.
Love Jones is my ladies joint. She loves that movie.
I have had Joneses before...yet alot of time we had to break up because we were incompatiable. I still have soft spots for them. Yet, The goddess keeps me truly satisfied.
Peace Diva Goddess!
At 7/20/2006 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ooooh hell yes I have had a love jones but it was a bad jones, really bad. It was like an aching in my soul. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't sleep at night, just straight trippin' all the time. No I don't ever, ever, ever, ever want to feel that out of control again.
I think I might have to watch this movie again to see what all the hype is about. I don't particularly remember enjoying it the first time maybe because I was in the midst of my jones at the time.
Oh and hurry up and get a camera Diva, I miss seeing all of your pics.
At 7/20/2006 10:15 PM,
mwenye kichwa said…
I NEED to talk bout yo TV first... WHAT?!!? LOOOOOOOOL 13inches?! chile, you a joke! bout the jones... uhmm.... yeah i guess...sappy sappy feelin! ewww!! :D
At 7/20/2006 10:21 PM,
Rashan Jamal said…
Say Sangin' can I be your slave? I got to admit girl, you're the shit girl.. and i'm digging you like a grave.
Yeah...I've had the jones before.
At 7/20/2006 11:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Had a love jones?? I have one now!!
Now I gotta go watch that movie!
At 7/21/2006 9:14 AM,
SomeOne said…
short answers: yes and yes. :)
I absolutely love that movie..a great display of black love....that and love and basket ball..
At 7/21/2006 11:11 AM,
The Sarccastik Variable Why said…
i constantly get a love jones everymorning w/wifey ...and my lil'sarccastik....
At 7/21/2006 11:28 AM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
ooh damn i've had a love jones maybe once maybe twice, where it was a chemical reaction on some old supernatural love type shit.
yes lord, it was a damn good feeling too.
that movie takes me back back to when i was a love poet, with the love jones for another poet...
yes indeedy that was good while it lasted!
At 7/22/2006 4:48 PM,
Mizrepresent said…
Yep, got one now...jonesing for a\ blogger who don't know me from boo boo, but it's like safe sexn no harm, no foul.
At 7/24/2006 12:09 AM,
Serious Black said…
Yeah that movie is the shit. I loved seeing well rounded conscious black folk represented on film.
Diva, in the day and age of the 50 inch flat screen plasma hdtv you need to upgrade. Life in so much more beautiful on a big screen.
At 7/24/2006 9:40 AM,
BK said…
Yes.. I did and I still do for my baby!!!! My post today was a tribute to our relationship
and so u know.. LOVE JONES IS MY ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE.. right along with Grease LOL
At 7/26/2006 6:15 AM,
NegroPino™ said…
I know IM late but its the best feeling in the worlld...presently I am not suffering from one nor would I like to..its hard to come close to that feeling and not everybody is capable of giving it to me and til this day even thoug hwe arent together, i still feel it. Now i must go cop the DVD cuz i dont have that in my collection
At 7/30/2006 5:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah!! I love this post already. Ahem, *clearing throat*...
First of all, this is my absolute FAVORITE movie in the entire world!!! I love it, love it, love it!! Have I ever had a Love Jones?? Oh yes...experiencing that RIGHT NOW!! LOL. It's a great feeling, I must say. =)
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