Wednesday Wants...

Wass up family?
I have not been wanting to blog because
my digital camera is broken :(
I'm really pissed off about this.

I had become so accustomed to living my life
through my camera, being without it is not the same.
Why haven't I just gone out and bought a new one
you ask? Well...
I have been SUPER busy, but that's not the MAIN reason.
The main reason is:
I don't know what to buy!
I'm the type of person that researches EVERYTHING-
especially before I make a decision.
Don't let the smooth taste fool you-
The Sangindiva is a GEEK.
As in nerd.
shhh. don't tell.

I want to make sure I take my time to find the one I
really like. I got the broken one from Japan about 3 years
ago- but I didn't research it like I should have, I just wanted
a camera.
Do you guys have any suggestions?
I'd like the shutter speed to be fast,
my last camera was suuuuper slow :(
It took 3 WHOLE seconds to snap the picture-
I can't have that anymore!

Last night I sang at this restaurant/lounge called
Hal's in Venice. It's a really nice and elegant spot.
On most Sunday and Monday nights they have different bands
there. It's mostly an instrumental smooth jazz spot,
but when I roll through- I sang... :)
The show went very well.
Julia Roberts was there... I wonder does that technically
mean I sang to her? I mean, she was in the audience hahaha!

We all know the Sangindiva wants a new camera...
(and some money) :)
Since it's Wednesday...
Tell me what you want.
You never know- you just might get it!

At 7/19/2006 6:21 AM,
Isha said…
*Isha's First*
I want a digital camera also! Seems like I got left behind on this social gadget?!?!?
I also want a true love! Tired of games and silliness.
Think I betta start with the camera!
I wanna know when you are signing at home...I wanna gooooo *Pesty, whiny voice"
Work Calls
At 7/19/2006 6:44 AM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
doesn't julia live in venice or did i just make that up?
the only camera's i've had are the cheap ones from my shows i've worked on.
olympus is always good and the new cannon is supposed to be superb. it's professional quality but easy to operate!
At 7/19/2006 7:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can't help you on the camera tip diva. I have a kodak something or other. I just know that it's digital, small enough to carry in my hand, and was on sale at the day after thanksgiving sale.
As for what I want. First I want to sound good when I sing at this guest church on Sunday! I want a new hair do too.
At 7/19/2006 8:05 AM,
meofbeauty said…
I want $100 and a quarter of sour diesel.
At 7/19/2006 9:24 AM,
BK said…
LOL well I am still searchign for a new dig cam even though mine isn't totally broken but errr
I want this bridal bootcamp to kickoff!!!! I am nervous about my presentation.. 15 brides.. so far.. *keep ya fingers crossed*
At 7/19/2006 11:38 AM,
Angel said…
i want some good, nice, long, wet, sloppy head! but i want that EVERYDAY!!!!
oh yeah, i also want peace on earth, goodwill to all, food for all children, and all that other shyt too....! hahahhahahahahah
At 7/19/2006 2:31 PM,
Knockout Zed said…
I can't bring myself to ask.
At 7/19/2006 5:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wan $200, a digial camrea and all the drama in my life to stop!! Can you do all that??
At 7/19/2006 6:59 PM,
Darbs said…
I want a job!!!
Good luck with finding your camera...
At 7/19/2006 8:36 PM,
Sangindiva said…
@Isha- I might can suggest a camera,
but I can't help you in the love dept. :(
@Glam- Gurl i don't know where the chick lives-
but she makes me want to go on a diet. She's skinny as
HELL! I thought I was small *sigh* NOPE. I have got work to do!
@Diva- I'm prayin' for you- You'll do well
@Beauty- Gurl yes. you need that!
@Daddy's girl- I've got you in prayer too
@Nikki- ooh! I'm gonna hit you in an e-mail for info!
@ Angel- Gurl quiet as it's kept- I want the SAME THANG!!!
@Zeddy- you're so nasty I don't want to know...
well maybe I do :)
@Nichelle- grl I'mma include you in on the e-mail to Nikki
@Epsilon- I can't do it... but I know the one who can :)
@Darbs- I've got you on the prayer list too!
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