I Say a Little Prayer For You...

When I was growing up,
prayer was a very important part of my
family structure.
It was something to be taken VERY seriously.
But as I got older, it was also something that
became very personal.
Prayer became my stairway to God.

I remember the first time I really felt prayer worked.
I was 8 years old. Summer was ending and I was to
enter the 4th grade. My 3rd grade year was so horrid
and the teacher so despicable I hated school.
There was a 4th grade teacher's class I wanted to be in
so badly! I thought she was the most beautiful woman ever.
(I now know she changed and shaped my young life).

I remember praying so hard on my top bunk bed.
I prayed EVERY night. I wanted this so bad I could taste it.
I felt in my heart that if God didn't answer this prayer-
I would not believe he was real and would NEVER pray again.
But he did it. God came through for me. And thus built
and unshakeable faith and belief that God will and does
answer prayer. Since then MANY prayers have been
answered and even when the answer was "NO" I still pray.

Have you ever asked someone to pray for you?
Do ever expect them to really do it?
I mean so many times people say-
"Oooh girl, I'mma pray for you" or
"I'm so sorry to hear about (insert tragedy here),
I'm gonna pray for you and your family"
but do you actually think they do it?

Well today- for this "Tell it Tuesday" post,
I will do just that. It can be anonymous or open.
Tell me what you'd like me to stand with you
in prayer about and I will say a prayer for/with you.
So many of my close friends have asked
for me to pray for or with them about something,
For my friends who are praying for
love and companions,

For my friend who is believing for a house,

For my friend who is praying
for a wife and family,

For my friend who is praying for her daughter,

For my friend praying for guidance
about her cheating husband,

For my friend asking God to spare her life,

For my friend praying so desperately
for a baby,

For my friends wanting to be stronger couples,

And for anyone who wants or needs it
for any reason at all...

At 8/01/2006 5:41 AM,
The Sarccastik Variable Why said…
i like that....my lil'sarccastik has gotten into everytime we eat...."i like amen"....she's funny...
At 8/01/2006 7:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aw hell Diva....now I got sumptin in my eye. Humph.
(Sniff, sniff.)
At 8/01/2006 7:44 AM,
BK said…
See.. thanks.. just pray for me to give me strength to get through all the burdens others laid on me.. Death is not an easy thing to deal with...
Also for my safe flight and return to and from Reno..
At 8/01/2006 8:05 AM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
how much do i love that you got the Muslim girls in white up there praying. this was by far the most touching and creative post.
prayer is a fundamental part of my life, and more of my prayers have been answered than i can even count, many of which have surpassed even my wildest dreams!
At 8/01/2006 9:51 AM,
Mocha said…
That was really beautiful.
At 8/01/2006 9:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Please pray for a better financial picture for me! Thanks!
At 8/01/2006 11:00 AM,
That Girl Tam said…
Extra blessings never hurt...
Protection for myself, my children and my husband.
My fingers are crossed for that house...it's coming, I can FEEL it!!
Your vocals were beautiful on that track (as usual!!)
At 8/01/2006 11:12 AM,
Elle B. said…
wow, that really touched me. I don't have any specific prayer other than that God continues to speak to me and show me the path because right now my life is in a major transition.
At 8/01/2006 12:08 PM,
P said…
The most important thing about prayer, is that prayer is more about meditation on acknowledging the all powerful - all knowing. And, in that, comes a sense of calmness, and openness, and willness, that the directive in your life will go according to the perfect purpose, plan, and pattern that your life dictates.
That which will be, will be.
I'm currently seeking other employment. And so far, no good. But that only means that something better or more comprable to my personal needs are in store for me. So, in essence, I can't objectify my prayers for a particular object - only that my desires of my heart be met, and if they are in alignment with Elohim, then I think I'm in good shape.
At 8/01/2006 12:44 PM,
SomeOne said…
thanks for the prayers mama
At 8/01/2006 3:38 PM,
sweetie kia said…
One of my prayers was just answered. I have been praying that you would use your gift (voice) more for the purpose that God had originally intended it to be used.
I am not ashamed to say this....What does it profit a man to gain this whole world and then lose his soul....or not reach other souls. This life is a vapor and ONLY what you do for Christ will last. You blessed me and others today. Thanks....loved it.
At 8/01/2006 3:55 PM,
Rashan Jamal said…
that was nice, I see you posting all the time now, huh. You sounded good on the track.
At 8/01/2006 5:53 PM,
Serious Black said…
Pray for me please! Pick a topic any topic. I'm sure I could use it. Finances are always a good place to start. I can always use an increase in my cash flow.
Your voice on your demo is incredible, as always.
At 8/01/2006 7:11 PM,
Isha said…
Well now. Seeing that I know that just asked you to pray for me in my current project. I am getting little sleep an no rest. Love you and appreciate you.
At 8/01/2006 9:38 PM,
Mahogany Misfit said…
Sweet...and beautiful pictures!!!
At 8/01/2006 11:17 PM,
Angel said…
i can always guarantee that when i come to your page, you're gonna have me thinking about something. just pray for me in general girl. all blessings are welcome in this direction. :-)
At 8/02/2006 4:58 AM,
Ladynay said…
Every time I check you out at work you have audio! Everytime! LOL I don't have a sound card on my computer.... :-(
At 8/02/2006 5:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow... that was really strong. Prayer does change things...
At 8/02/2006 7:49 AM,
nikki said…
when i tell folk i'm gonna pray for them i do it as soon as possible. i start praying for them in my mind almost as soon as the words are out of my mouth.
i ask that you pray for strength for my mom.
At 8/02/2006 10:16 AM,
Erica Bunker said…
Sometimes you need a little sumthin' to get through the day! Thanks!
At 8/02/2006 8:18 PM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
why don't ya'll come sing that song over at my house:-)
At 8/03/2006 8:46 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
I LOVE this post!!!! It reminds me that God might not come when you want him but he's always on time....the prayers of the righteous mean so much to him :)
I'm praying that I do well on the GRE's so I can go to Grad school next fall
At 8/03/2006 2:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Every now and then, you need to read or hear something like this! Thanx a bunch!
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