The Diva Book

A real life behind the scenes look at the life of the International Superstar Sangindiva...

Friday, July 21, 2006


For some reason I am loving this video!

I wanna be so famous...
My reality is better than the fairytale.

Create dolls on The Doll Palace doll maker


Have a great weekend!


  • At 7/21/2006 12:29 PM, Blogger Angel said…

    damn "chessica titson" definitely gets her hustle on!

  • At 7/21/2006 12:47 PM, Blogger Cece said…

    As much as I want to hate her, I just can't. Something in me idenifies with her... Love the video and don't worry not to long from now that will you and some other bloggers *ahem*

  • At 7/21/2006 12:53 PM, Blogger Sangindiva said…

    @ Angel
    You are KILLIN' ME!!
    Where did you come from!!??
    Chessica Titson?!? *DEAD*

    Girl from your mouth to God's ears!

  • At 7/21/2006 3:04 PM, Blogger That Girl Tam said…

    I'm thinkin that should be our theme song...what u think??

    Ok, I'm mad that she and Christina LICKED that guy...and I'm mad that she was all no that ice cream cone like that...ewww...

    Have a FABULOUS weekend!!! *wink*

  • At 7/22/2006 9:21 AM, Blogger Darbs said…

    I just saw the making of this video...definitely cute (song too) and takes me back to my roller skating days.

    However, I'm TOTALLY on "Team Nick" - so I can't like it too much...LOL!

  • At 7/30/2006 12:44 PM, Blogger *Tanyetta* said…

    Did he LICK the rollerskates?

    That was a cute video.


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