Aiight- I'm Back...

I know I took more than an acceptable break-
but I needed it! I just had to take a blogging break
because this thing called LIFE had to be put in check :)
I have so much to tell yall!!
So let's get started shall we?
I'm going to start with the most recent events
and move backward...

(Birthday Girl- Glam)
Yes, my friend and fellow blogger Ms. Ahmad
had a prime time birthday on Monday!
I can't even BEGIN to tell you the names of all
the spots we hit up because SHE is the hollywood
queen who knows ALL of the spots to go to :)
We started off at her house and fought about what
she was going to wear...
and finally came to a happy medium :)
She looked so hot! Don't you agree?

(Glam lookin' sex-say)
Then we were off to the first spot where
we met up with Kai for drinks...

(Glam, Me, Kai)
Then we moved the party to another spot for dinner-
I wish I knew the names of these fabulous places-
but if I took the time to research them,
I'll NEVER get this post finished!
(Maybe Glam will tell you the names in her post...)
Now to be honest,
I was so busy eating and running my mouth
I really didn't take a lot of pics at dinner but
It was at an excellent Italian spot with GREAT food.
I missed getting a picture of Tiffany but I did get a
picture of one of the couples who came by
(although I don't remember their names... my bad)

After dinner our "core group" moved the party to the
Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood.
That place was so L.A. FABULOUS!!
The pool was sparkling, the palm trees were swaying
in the warm Hollywood air... it was just the place for 3 Divas!

Through out the course of the night we met 2 other
beautiful ladies and invited them to join our party...
Manal and Jeany. They were just as talented and fabulous
as we were! We are SO gonna all get together again :)
AND Jeany is a BLOGGER!! (but she is on Xanga)

(Glam, Manal, Jeany, Kai)
A fantastic time was had by all!

(Jeany, Kai, Me, Glam)
Damn it feels good to be fabulous- wouldn't you agree?!
The night before- I had just gotten home from the road...
I must admit (once again) that my photo journalism skills
were a little bootleg this trip because I was SUPER busy...
but I do have a few :)
I was in Santa Fe, NM but I don't think I took ANY from that trip...
Oh! I found one from the tour bus-

Then I moved on to umm... Baltimore, no, first I went to
La Costa, CA. That was just a crazy night!
Joey's daughter came too- isn't she beautiful?
She is soo cool and has a fashion style that is KRAZY!
We are SO going shopping together! :)

(Joey and Brandi)

(Me and Brandi backstage)
Then I jet setted my way on to Baltimore, MD.
On Jet-BOO airlines. They triple suck and I will
NEVER fly them again. I am too sleepy to go into
the long story of why... But just say NO to Jet BOO!
Anyway here I am...

Gettin' my travel on...

At that show (B-more) I met GLAM'S baby sister and husband!!
(Yes- it's her REAL sister!) She is sooo beautiful and has
the sweetest laugh! I heart her :)
Aren't they the cutest couple?!?!
(Miss Azizah, I won't forget your pics or cd-I promise)

(Before the show)

(After the show w/ me and Joey)
My homegirl Alena came through too...

You can't see them- but she was rockin' the flyest
pair of jeans!!! She hipped me to a boutique to check
out on Melrose... I WILL be making my way there! :)
Ok yall,
I think you have been sufficiently updated...
so I'm OUT!!

At 9/06/2006 8:25 AM,
TTD said…
you know what?? i no longer like you!!! i've been asking you, and asking you when were you coming to baltimore so i can see you perform - no response! then i read that you came to baltimore (after the fact) and i wasn't notified of it!!! grrr!
At 9/06/2006 8:26 AM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
damn being the blog stalker that i am I can't believe that i'm not first!
soo much love for your girl it's simply ridiculous!
I'll have to do a posting that fills in the blanks, adding to that the star sights and ummm...martini listing!
love ya!
At 9/06/2006 9:11 AM,
Knockout Zed said…
That was some incandescent shit right there. Miss Ahmad makes my palms sweat.
At 9/06/2006 9:17 AM,
Isha said…
Thank you very much mama for the may now continue to move about the country. *Bling*.
Looks like you all had a blast!
At 9/06/2006 9:28 AM,
Next time you're in B-more, be sure to let a sistah know! Heck...with my super busy schedule, I wonder if I'd be able to come and see ya! Well, come back to DC and then I can DEFINITELY catch your show! Huge hugs!
At 9/06/2006 10:08 AM,
BK said…
I'm with TTD.. Imma get you Sangin.. how u come to Baltimore *15 min from my house mind you* and not tell nobody you was gone be in da urea!!!!!
Well glad you got some much needed rest and as always you look fabulous!!!
Still mad that Iain't get to hang out with you when u came to Bmore.. *sniffle*
At 9/06/2006 10:17 AM,
I see you back on the scene with a gangsta lean, lean, lean, now bounce right to left and let your shoulder lean!!! Nice pics as usual, but, where them toes @?
At 9/06/2006 11:18 AM,
Rashan Jamal said…
Sangin' I asked for pictures AND audio clips. LOL
At 9/06/2006 1:04 PM,
SomeOne said…
again you were in MD and i missed ya...we must not let this happen again.
At 9/06/2006 1:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am so mad at all you bloggers in diva's do it BIG all the time :) Welcome back!
At 9/06/2006 1:37 PM,
1969 said…
You have been BIZEE! Welcome back and the pictures were great. You and Miss A look fabulous, as usual.
At 9/06/2006 1:48 PM,
Little Brown Girl said…
You my dear Diva are so friggin BEAUTIFUL!! Both you and Miss Ahmad look fantastic. Made me wanna pack up all my crap and high tail it to Hollywood...then I realized I ain't got a whole lotta talent LOL!!
I am so glad you guys had a great Miss. A birthday celebration...and that your touring went well. I'm mad I missed you in were like 30 minutes from my house (although I'm in ATL now). Next time your in MD or DC I must know about it cause I can not...will not miss you in concert!
Take care Momma...and glad to have you back!
At 9/06/2006 1:48 PM,
ILL said…
Good To Have You Back...
You Roll Through New York, I'mma Let You Buy Me A Few Drinks...
Hey... Equal Rights, Fellas, Ya Undadig?
At 9/06/2006 6:30 PM,
Mr.Slish said…
@ Zed lmaof..Palms sweat.
You are one busy sista Ms Diva. Likes your style. Btw can you give Zed a napkin so he can wipe the drool from the corner of his my boy!!!!
At 9/06/2006 9:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
WELCOME BACK! You look like you had a blast! When I take's cuz I'm moping. LOL! Glad you had such a FABULOUS down time!
At 9/07/2006 6:42 AM,
NegroPino™ said…
SO beautiful as always. I love the outfit, the shoes.
At 9/07/2006 9:26 AM,
Miz JJ said…
You all look fabby at Glam's birthday.
You know if you head up to Canada you must let me know.
At 9/07/2006 12:48 PM, said…
HI!!! (**waving**)
At 9/07/2006 1:56 PM,
eclectik said…
Welcome black gorgeous!
What's on that IPOD!?!? I need some new tunes for the rotation :)
Love the post...again wish I'd been on the left coast.
Looking forward to semi -regualr posts now!
LOL I'll be back.
Talk soon
The Messageboard
At 9/07/2006 3:15 PM,
DivineLavender said…
I am glad you are back too...sistah!
At 9/08/2006 1:23 AM,
Mahogany Misfit said…
Aww, ya'll look cute!
Sounds like you had fun!
At 9/09/2006 12:37 AM,
mwenye kichwa said…
*yay* welcome back babes.. missed you! pics are lookin GLAM so to speak ;)
At 9/09/2006 6:22 PM,
Organized Noise said…
I've been a lurker from time to time, but I think this is my first comment. Looks like you were enjoying yourself as much as Glam was. I just have one question . . . can I be your photographer. Whoever took the pictures in this post had the best job. Nothing but beautiful women.
At 9/10/2006 7:54 PM,
P said…
Y'all look great. . .
I would like to talk about something in particular, but the pictures are so fantastic, that they speak for itself.
I am so glad y'all have a good time.
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