Dirty House? ... Clean it up!

It is not a secret to anyone who knows me
that I am NOT NEAT!
ANNND I'm really spoiled -but that's another post :)
My point is is that my house has gotten to the point
of damn ridiculous! I mean REALLY.
There comes a time when you are tired of walking over
piles of clothes and shoes.
A time when you say to yourself -
"Self - get your lazy azz up and clean up!"
A time when you are disgusted by your own filth...

Today I am going on a full out house cleaning campaign!

(but not THIS clean- scrubbin' walls ain't my thang)
I have 3 suitcases in the middle of the floor.
(full suitcases mind you...)

(no, this is NOT my house)
I need to get my wash on-

And clean my dirty room...

(no, this is NOT my room)
I live in hotels-so when I come home,
it seems like the maid should clean up
for me here too!

I don't know why I just don't hire someone.
GLAM and ISHA BOTH have one.
Why am I playin'? I'm the Sangindiva-
O.K. It's official- I'm callin'...

At 8/21/2006 4:23 AM,
Isha said…
FIRST!!!! LA, LA, LA, LA!!!
Girl, I told you...it's the most wonderfulest feeling in the world to come home after work to a made up bed, mopped kitchen, and folded clothes. I LOVE Ms. Charleene. Get excited when she tells me she's coming the next day.
She's slow as molasses in the winter time, but she's good and worth every dime. I'd give up my Starbucks budget before I give up Ms. C. and you KNOW Starbucks is the crack house for me!!!
Holla if you want the number!!!
Miss you!
At 8/21/2006 5:57 AM,
BK said…
LOL.. I guess I would be that way too if my mom didnt live with me now LOL she stay cleaning up behind me LOL
Girl its worth it if you can afford it :)
Just don't let it get that bad anymore LOL can't have u on stage wit broken bones!
At 8/21/2006 6:57 AM,
Oh...I'm so feeling you on this. I WANT (not NECESSARILY NEED) a maid. I just may hire a cleaning service to come in once a month.
At 8/21/2006 7:24 AM,
Rashan Jamal said…
True divas shouldn't have to clean up after themselves. If you need someone to separate the green m&ms from the rest of the bag, you should get that too. LOL
At 8/21/2006 7:52 AM,
P said…
I could say that you are behaving like a spoiled diva.
You are a spoiled diva!
You KNOW I say that with the most love, right.
Seriously, though, under YOUR circumstances, you actually do need a housekeeper. It's not that housework is beneath you, but I do believe that your lifestyle does not afford for you to come home, have down time, be a mommie, friend and everything in between, and still worry about Tide with Febreeze or Bleach Alternative.
Handle it, woman.
Take care of you,
At 8/21/2006 11:44 AM,
That Girl Tam said…
Umm...yeah - I need one of those too because I'm sick AND tired of being sick and tired of cleaning up after 4 boys (my husband IS included in that count).
Funny thing is, the control freak in me probably wouldn't allow the woman to do her damn job!! We've paid my sister-in-law to come and clean the house a couple of times and I saw myself going over everything she did MSELF - so why bother paying someone?
But for YOU? yeah...you need it!
At 8/21/2006 12:44 PM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
i'll give you martha's number she's a dream!
At 8/21/2006 5:24 PM,
Teej said…
Im the same way. I just waddle in the shit for a week or two then I get fed up with it.
I totally understand. You are not alone sweetie...
At 8/21/2006 5:45 PM,
sweetie kia said…
You know how excited I was to move from my 1500 sq. ft home into my 3124 sq. ft home. A dream come true right? Wrong!!!! I totally did not take into account that I would HAVE to be the one to clean it. First of all, I am so busy paying for the house and still trying to furnish it, I can't afford a maid yet. Secondly, If I could afford the maid, I would be busy cleaning up before the maid came to clean up so she wouldn't think I kept a dirty house. Crazy huh? All I know, is that by the time I start cleaning bathroom number 4, bathroom number 1 is dirty again. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!!!!
At 8/21/2006 7:56 PM,
DivineLavender said…
Can I tell you I am sitting here knowing, I got all kinds of shit to wash. At least, I rinse my dishes when I throw them in in the sink...cause I know good and well I won't wash them for a while.
I only wash clothes if the piles gets too dayum big that I trip over the pile or my piles of shoes. I am one messy bitch...who is paying attention to my clothes on the floor...as long as I don't have any one...and my body is so soft and brown...with a slick part in the middle.
As long as I got a clean tub and clean sheets it is fucking time up in this piece! We can take a nap and take a shower later..We can always order in...no dishes...and Ya'w know I don't wear clothes around the house anyway.
I am good! Don't feel bad Diva...Do you!
At 8/22/2006 5:53 AM,
Knockout Zed said…
I'd get a maid, but if I'm paying, she's gonna have to be at least a little HOT.
At 8/22/2006 6:03 AM,
chele said…
Good for you. I'm a firm believer that if I can't (or don't want to) do a job ... there is someone who I can pay to do it.
At 8/22/2006 6:10 AM,
princessdominique said…
Have fun! I know how that can be!
At 8/22/2006 6:39 AM,
Ms.Honey said…
I was like wow her house is a mess LOL...nah I'm jokin. I know what you mean I am in the midst of packing to move this weekend and I decided not to unpack my suitcase from a weekend ago when I went home to visit the fam..why LOL it will get unpacked when I pack everything else haha
At 8/22/2006 7:41 AM,
Ya boy Maurice said…
LOL... I must have an obsession with cleaning. I come in the house from work and start cleaning my house... Its a little messy now but by tonight it will be spotless.
At 8/22/2006 1:36 PM,
TTD said…
i wish i could afford a maid!
At 8/22/2006 1:52 PM,
If this is REALLY your crib, you need your sexy little ass whipped; as a matter of fact, I have a belt on now that I'd love to take off for you -- double meaning!
At 8/22/2006 4:30 PM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
not hot maids for zed, only old unattractive women who are part toothless...it'll keep things peaceful in the house. you don't want your maid thinking she's your wife!
same goes with you Diva, a girl I know almost got date raped minus the date behind hiring some dude off of craigslist.
get referrals, and try to make sure they are legal:-)
At 8/22/2006 11:52 PM,
Serious Black said…
I actually enjoy cleaning. No, I'm not volunteering. I go all out when it comes to organizing and cleaning. Unfortunately my lovely wife and my three little fellas decided that my house should never be clean and they do everything in their power to thwart my efforts.
At 8/23/2006 6:14 AM,
mrs.tj said…
For years hubby said NO MAIDS...he don't trust any one. Just recently main man number ONE is down for the maid service. LOL! Thank Goodness!
At 8/23/2006 8:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
A maid was the best thing I ever did for my marriage. I love my house to be clean but I HATE it being assumed that I'M going to clean it. Humph. After a few mis-matches, I finally found Ms. Olga. Love her, love her, love her! I get excited when I know she's coming. LOL!
At 8/25/2006 10:51 PM,
Angel said…
what kinda job i have to have to get me a cleaning service?????
At 8/26/2006 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have 3 maids in training called "The Kids" Smile.
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