Friends... How Many of Us Have Them?

There was a time when it seemed like I had a
smorgusboard of friends...
I mean it was like I was the friend magnet-
for all different types of friends.
Friends that would steal your man,
Friends that would backstab you,
Friends that would stab you in the forehead,
Friends that would talk behind your back,
Freinds that would talk about you to your face,
Friends that would tell lies TO and ON you...
Friends that should NOT be your friends.
As I got older and dare I say- wiser-
I changed friends...
and the number of them became much smaller.

I have one friend in particular-
who is my oldest friend.
We have known each other since we were 13.
She is the sweetest, funniest, down to earth
person I know.
( Hey P- She's the one who told me!! )

(Me and Annisa having miso soup and sushi)
We are ladies who lunch and shop. (OFTEN!!)
We have shared tears and secrets,
milestones and setbacks,
problems and playgrounds (with our boys)
to beauty tips and break-ups...
It is good to have friends that are TRUE and REAL.

So blogger fam my question for you is-
FRIENDS- How many of us have them?
Tell me about it...

At 8/23/2006 2:45 AM,
mwenye kichwa said…
mayne!!! I guess my only friend in the whole wide world is my baby sister... will you be my friend sangin? please puerdy pleeease? I promise not to stab you in the
At 8/23/2006 5:16 AM,
BK said…
Girl No1 and I just talked about this!! LOL
I must say I was never one to have many girlfriends :( and those I did have had untimely deaths.. :( BUT.. I am fortunate that in my adult life, I have girlfriends for every occassion!!!!
but there are 2 that I hold very dear to me that live close and 3 that live afar.. but I'm blessed to have 5 good girlfriends and my mom and sister so I have 7... one for each day of the week!
At 8/23/2006 6:11 AM, said…
I don't keep too many friends...women friends to me seem like they bring way more drama into a life. I have one. We have been friends since high school. NOT including my sister. Me and sissy have no choice but to be friends. LOL!
At 8/23/2006 6:42 AM,
I love my girlfriend relationships! I have good friends from every stage of my life...elementary, junior high, high school, college, grad school, and the DC life I'm living now! Some friends overlap, but, all in all, each of my girlfriends (and guy friends) mean something special to me!
At 8/23/2006 8:10 AM,
Knockout Zed said…
I got a handful. Probably less than 5. Loyalty and truthfulness are the key, and they are hard to find.
At 8/23/2006 8:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
I never had girlfriends until we were of an age where we stopped all the drama ish and were settled in life. So now...I have a ton of FABULOUS girlfriends whom I adore. helps that I have filters in place where those that shouldn't be around me...aren't. LOL! I'm the kind of person you either like immediately or hate immediately and forever until you come into your own FABULOUSNESS. That keeps people away from me that don't know their worth which cuts down on potential drama. They don't like me because I KNOW I'm all that. It takes a while for it to occur to them that they can be "all that" too.
Silly broads.
At 8/23/2006 8:30 AM,
NegroPino™ said…
I got a crew.........prolly like 5 of us.......that are DEEP...
At 8/23/2006 11:51 AM,
Miz JJ said…
This post is the truth. I have very few real friends anymore. I can count them on one hand, but I'm good with that. Tired of the fake people, the liars and the people who through their actions I just can not respect. My real friends are themselves no matter what and that is what I love about them. That and they're always there for me.
At 8/23/2006 12:46 PM,
Enigma said…
I have never had many friends.
Outside of my fam I have 4 good friends that I love ya'll. One I have known since 10th grade, and my other close friend since college. Those other 2 folks love me despite my bouts of crazees for over 5 years! I might even buy them one of those good/glad you are a good friend card now. Sniff.
At 8/23/2006 1:53 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
Aww I need to call my Bestest LOL...I miss her so besides her I'd have to say I have about 4...I know they'll be there for me come hell or high water
At 8/23/2006 2:00 PM,
sweetie kia said…
This is an interesting and sometimes touchy subject. Family, you have no choice about. Friends, you can pick or choose. They can make you or break you. Birds of a feather flock together. I catagorize my friends this way.... CASUAL friends are those people you enjoy when you are with them but rarely think of when you are not with them. DISTANT friends are those who were a part of your life way back in the don't get to see or talk to them too often, but when you do, it is always a welcomed breath of fresh air. The OPPOSITE friend is the friend that you have that you still can't figure out how you ever became friends in the first place. They are everything that you are NOT and it is a miracle that you even get along. EVERYDAY friends are those friends who are all in your mix each and every day. They are the true fabric of your everyday life. TRUE BLUE BOSOM BUDDIES are those who know the real you..they know the funky butt attitude you...they know your secrets and wouldn't think of dime-ing you out. They know the crazy hair day, t-shirt & sweat pants wearin', no make-up wearin', feelin' 20 pounds fatter, morning breath, tacky-tired-unfunny joke tellin' YOU...... they still love you anyway and they always will. You can depend on them and they can depend on you. You have each others backs at all times. Then there is the rarest friend of all. I call it THE KINDRED SPIRIT. This person is deep in your heart. Nothing and no one can break your bond. You simply just flow and they are a part of you. This person understands what you are saying and what you need even when you are silent. It is a gut level almost spiritual connection...a God given friendship like David and Jonathan had in the bible.
Last but not least, there is the LONG LOST friend. This person or people are the ones you know are no good for you so you have had to tell them to get LOST and stay a LONG way away from you. (sniff) You still love 'em in your heart but you just can't EVER be around them or talk to them. They play the love/hate and the nice/nasty game with you. On one hand they admire you and on the other they are jealous of you. They can't be trusted....gotta let em' go.
Of all of these friendship catagories the KINDRED SPIRIT is definitely the best. If you have just one friend that is a KINDRED SPIRIT and no other types of friends from the other catagories, it doesn't matter. This friendship is worth its weight in GOLD.
At 8/23/2006 2:22 PM,
layne bowden said…
It's funny that I would come across this post today of all days! Especially when I am still trying to recover from a recent knife to the back. LOL... but it's true.
My Mother used to always tell me to pick friends for quality not quantity. That philosophy has stuck with me thru the years and made it very hard for me to extend myself and start new friendships with women. My circle is very small and close knit. If the beforementioned "knifing" has taught me anything, it's that I should have just kept it that way. Ya know?
Loved the post!
Be... Peace.
At 8/23/2006 3:22 PM,
TTD said…
friends.. about 6.. i have a lot of associates/buddies though! you're right.. as you grow older, you realize that not everyone is a "friend" - but when you find the ones that are... that is such a great feeling!
At 8/23/2006 3:33 PM,
Rashan Jamal said…
I have like 1 or 2 who I would trust with my life.. I'm trying to get rid of some of the other ones.
At 8/23/2006 4:30 PM,
I see you all posted up with the BIG cheese smile looking like you hit the lotto! Since you're so into taking pics and posting them, do me a favor, get your toes did, put on your sexiest 6" heel and take a few JUST FOR ME... I want to see what you are working with, afterall who cares about a nice ass if the foot game is busted?
Who would care is not me...
At 8/23/2006 4:44 PM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
first of all my dad always said if you can count three friends you're doing fine!
my baby sister is my very best friend and i'm really fortunate to have her. my best friend since i was 8 lives 10 feet from me, so that's awesome and other than that i've moved allot in my life so my friends have kinda come and gone and for the most part i'm okay with that
your friend!
At 8/23/2006 6:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good post diva. Just recently I have been seriously re-evaluating the status of my circle of friends. I've been feeling a little left out and neglected of said circle because the majority of them are married with kids and I'm not.
Everything has a priority, this I understand but I'm feeling like the last option on the list. So I've been having a lot of me time lately and wondering is it time to cut the cord on a few friendships that aren't very nurturing to my soul.
For me, my friends are like my extended family and I would do anything for them and in a perfect world I would like to think that they felt the same way too. Although lately it surely doesn't feel that way.
All in all I have about 6 really close friends who have seen me through the good times and some hella bad ones but hopefully we will continue to have many, many more good times to come.
At 8/24/2006 12:42 AM,
Serious Black said…
I have a couple really close friends who I would trust with virtually anything. They are not all a part of my everyday life but remain close none the less. I also have a few new friends who seem to have the potential to become really good freinds. I don't let many people in my circle.
At 8/24/2006 10:15 AM,
That Girl Tam said…
Lately my circle of friends has gotten bigger. My childhood bestfriend and I are no longer close, but I'll always have the memories of our friendship. My bestfriend and I have been rollin since high school and I love her to death...the only person (other than XL and P) that I'd get outta bed @ 3am to pick up if the car broke down. Cuz I love my sleep...that shit's a big deal!! HAHAHAH
I've been burned badly by people I trusted as FRIENDS, but even after that I've opened my heart and allowed myself to make some really good sistagurl friends.
They know who they are...
At 8/24/2006 1:29 PM,
ILL said…
Cero... Nil... Zero...
I Have A Tattoo On The Back Of My Forearm That Says "God Save Me From My Friends. I Can Protect Myself From My enemies."
Not Knockin' Friends... I Just Don't have None... I Have Associates... But Not Good Friends...
At 8/24/2006 1:49 PM,
-_- said…
Hey s-diva...
Where do I go to hear some of your music? I have no idea who you are!
At 8/24/2006 4:48 PM,
Little Brown Girl said…
I've been meaning to check you out ever since I saw Zed's post about your performance. Today I remembered and listened to "I shall pray" your voice blessed me I want to say THANK YOU!!!
You have a powerful gift (but you know this already) I pray that God will continue to bless so that you will continue to grow as you bless us.
Keep doing your thing sistah!! I'll definitely be back...
At 8/24/2006 4:55 PM,
P said…
I think the best thing in life about having TRUE friends, is kind of like listening to different music.
They serve a different purpose and fulfill the particular needs that you have; but just like music, equally rewarding and fulfilling they are, if in fact, they care for you. And eventually, you WILL be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Different friends have different strong suits; as do WE to them. They serve any number of purposes in our lives, but the most important thing is KNOWING that they ARE there. Whether it's going shopping, crying, laughing, working out, or just sitting there vegging out listening to each other breathe!
PS: Hey, so "She's" the one!!! Yeah, Boyeeeee!
At 8/24/2006 11:59 PM,
Deepak Gopi said…
please include me as your friend
I will really a friend in deed and need.
Thanks for the visit
At 8/25/2006 2:33 PM,
Knockout Zed said…
Annisa, hunh?
At 8/25/2006 5:23 PM,
Teej said…
either im crazy or i have yet to wittle my number down as of yet.
but 'stab you in the forehead'!?!?!? damn that's deep!
At 8/25/2006 7:01 PM,
princessdominique said…
Yep I've had those kinds too and I've currently downsized.
At 8/26/2006 2:27 AM,
Noushu says: said…
yea! it is good. pictures are very funny and different.
At 8/26/2006 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
This was a good post. The God and I were just having a conversation with our baby girls the other day about their friends (or so called friends) they have at school.
I think just before I turned 30, I had to take a good long look at myself and re-evalute and eliminate many of my friendships. Once I did that alot of drama was also eliminated and I am so much more at peace. Now I have 2 best friends, one that I've been friends with for 20 years and the other for 17 years. Dang, now I'm feeling old! Smile.
At 8/28/2006 12:18 AM,
That Girl Tam said…
u were missed...had loads of fun (almost too much!)
At 8/28/2006 1:58 PM,
Angel said…
it took me a minute to comment on this post...only because only since i've gotten a little bit older have i realized the value of genuine and true friends. i have been so fortunate to have some ASTOUNDING people in my life! i'm even that extremely "lucky" female who has male friends that EVERY other female wants to get with!
what i can say that i've learned in my brief 28 years is that i will always "know" a lot of people. it is just in my persoanlity and in my profession. but i will continuously treasure the people who actually "learn" me because they are what provide ME the actual gift!!!!!
At 8/28/2006 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
haa! great illustration.
Best of luck
Anish Joseph.
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