Happy Friday Folks!
I am on the road so I have
decided to answer a meme that
I got from Will's OLD blog.
(He has about 50!)
Have a GREAT weekend!
Where were you born?
Oakland, Ca
How tall are you?
6 feet without shoes
Where is your ideal house located?
Last person you talked to?
My mother
Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
When was the last time you were at a concert?
um... one that I was on stage singing in?
or one that I watched?
What are your keys on your key chain for?
My house, car, mailbox
What do u wanna bitch about?
The state of our country... but that's another post.
Where is your current pain at?
I'm pain free- and like to keep it that way.
Do you like mustard?
it's aiight...
Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
Whose your favorite person to drunk dial?
I don't drunk dial... I just get drunk :)
Do you say the word ..’biznatch?
uh... no.
Do your parents slap you?
Not anymore-but I used to get the
dog SH*T slapped out of me ALL.THE.TIME.
How many rings till you answer the phone?
Usually 2 or 3.
Do you look like your mom or dad?
My dad... *sigh*
Who was the last person who told you they hated you?
HATE ME? No one... I'm loved and adored by all :)
What color is your razor?
Pastel colors... I like ALL THINGS GIRLY!
How long does it take you in the shower?
I only take baths... showers are for boys.
Can you do a split?
I don't split anything... checks, rent, bills... feel me?
What movie do you want to see right now?
I'd rather see a broadway play. Color Purple anyone?
Do you put lotion on your legs before you wear skirts or shorts?
I oil (not lotion) my body everyday... even if I don't put on clothes.
my skin is the BOMB!
What did you do for New Years?
I rang it in with my sister Nikki, my friend Kenya and friend Sy.
Did you think The Grudge was scary?
I don't waste time I can NEVER get back on bullshyt.
Do you own a camera phone?
Nope. P and Tam are still working on that one.
Would you ever dye your hair red?
Yep, I've been red before... I need to find that pic,
I was CUTE!
What song is overplayed?
No singin' azz Rhianna. She sucks. But she's pretty so I digress...
How many rings are on your fingers right now?
2 one gold band on each hand.
What are you drinking?
Water. The manna of life...ahhh.
Was your mom a cheerleader?
Ummmm, no. But she LOVED booty shorts... hoochie.
Can you pump gas?
Weeelll... I CAN, but there is always some kind
crack head who thinks I shouldn't.
Who is your favorite person to talk to online?
I'm too popular to have a favorite... KIDDING.
I don't really chat online.
What’s the last letter of your middle name?
Do you still talk to your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Who did you vote for on American Idol?
I've never voted... It's rigged.
How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
HA! what's sleep?
Do you drink Egg Nog?
Hell Naw! It's like cinnamon snot!
When was the last time you saw your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Never. He dosen't exsist.
Do you still like the Dixie Chicks, despite the Bush comments?
Do you know how to play poker?
No- but I've got a great poker face. And my STRIP poker skills...
Who do you cheat off of at school?
Nobody. Wait … I’m not in school anymore. lol
Do you wear your seat belt?
What do you sleep in?
My bed-duh.
How many meals do you eat a day?
maybe 1
Is your tongue pierced?
Do you have A.D.D?
When it's convienient... :)
Do you like funny or serious people better?
As long they are appropriately funny or serious they are alright by me.
Don’t be funny in an inappropriate setting or at the expense of someone’s feelings.
Don’t be too serious either…a good sense of humor is worth a goldmine.
Do you hate when ex’s talk about their new gf’s/bf’s?
No- they wouldn't be talking to me anyway
Paris or Nicole?
Neither... I don't love them hoes.
Do you make good pancakes?
Yes, especially when I'm rewarding someone with breakfast
for a job well done the night before :)
Did you eat a cookie today?
No- but a Nestle Oatmeal Scotchie, would be GREAT right now.
Do you know cuss words in other languages?
of course!
Do you hate chocolate?
Yes, I HATE, HATE, HATE Chocolate.
Is your cell usually on vibrate or ring?
ring- I like to dance to my tones!

At 8/04/2006 6:24 AM,
Mr.Slish said…
I can't stand Rihanna either. Every time I hear that song I want to toss the radio out the But she does have a fatty..hee hee
At 8/04/2006 6:56 AM,
SomeOne said…
hating chocolate is blasphemous
At 8/04/2006 6:58 AM,
SomeOne said…
oh and i've seen the color purple was excellent
At 8/04/2006 7:30 AM,
BK said…
lmao.. u funny LOL.. in my bed.. DUH hahahaa
At 8/04/2006 7:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't what all the hype is over Rihanna. It seems that ANYONE can get a record deal these days.
And I'm with you on egg nog. That is the NASTIEST CRAP ever created. UGH!
We watched The Color Purple on cable the other night. I would LOVE to see the play. I bet it's FABULOUS
At 8/04/2006 8:39 AM,
The Sarccastik Variable Why said… said no singing ass rhianna...that's funny...
formerly sarccastik!!!
At 8/04/2006 10:13 AM,
Supa said…
You and these DAMN meme's. lol
Hey Diva!!!! I've missed ya during my "offline" hiatus! :)
Be careful on the road, have fun, and we expect plenty of pics upon your return.
Keep it fabulous!!
At 8/04/2006 12:26 PM,
Angel said…
CO-SIGN for that damn rihanna girl! damn weirdo! her voice reminds me of that girl from highschool who useta brag about the first time she got caught smoking....
At 8/04/2006 1:29 PM,
Freaky Deaky said…
I couldn't even name any of Rhianna's songs or identify her unless somebody says who she is. Despite that she could still get it.
(GASP) Chocolate and egg nog are deslish, I tell you.
At 8/04/2006 4:02 PM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
i hate chocolate too and I wanna go see color purple this fall or winter. Weekend in NYC with the Diva? We could wear our stylish winter clothes, I could pull out the fur..GET MY HAIR DONE!
yup, we should do it!
At 8/04/2006 4:07 PM,
Tired of being broke said…
The Color Purple is a definite must see. I had the opportunity to see it a few weeks ago, and it was great.
At 8/04/2006 10:24 PM,
Serious Black said…
Rhianna is hot is a wanna be Beyonce way.
Chocalate is great! Well milk chacolate. Hate that bitter ass dark chocalate.
Eggnog....don't diss the Nog!! If it didn't make you gain a pound per glass I would drink it like water.
At 8/07/2006 11:12 AM,
Mahogany Misfit said…
This is an excellent meme...I'm gonna have to use this on one of my infamous writer's block days.
At 8/09/2006 4:04 PM,
P said…
You ain't a member of the mile high club, stop frontin.
At 8/09/2006 4:06 PM,
P said…
You ain't a member of the mile high club, stop frontin.
At 8/15/2006 9:35 AM,
~HoustonNY~ said…
Hot, hot, hot post!!! I am SOOO behind on your blog!!!!
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