Tuesday Tales...

Hey Yall : )
I miss you guys!!
As usual- I'll be on blog patrol-
checking out everyone's blogs
and catching up on what you all
have had going on this past week!

I had 1 day home to re-pack in between my last trip-
and this one. So I re-packed my bag...
and hit the town because ISHA MADE me go out!!!
(well... I was only a hostage for like 3 mins...
then I became a willing participant! hahaha!)
We went over the hill (the valley) to a place called Cafe Cordiale.
There was a really cool band...

Then of course I took a picture of her...

And she took one of me...

And fun times were had by all!!

I've been on the road... of course : )
and the road is not without it's challenges!

I don't know what the heck is going on
with the United States Aviation System-
but it is officially operating on the
other side of RIDICULOUSNESS!!!

WHY??? does every dang plane you get on
have some sort of mechanical problem!?! BOO!
In this post I once again must tell God-
"thank you"- because he spared my life... AGAIN!

(Since this was exactly one week after my last
"airplane near death experience" I am CERTAIN
that I have a purpose!)
Anyone who has even flown on a plane knows the drill.

“In the unlikely event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure,
the panels above your head will automatically open…
yada, yada, yada…
grasp the mask firmly and breathe naturally…
yada, yada, yada…
your mask may not inflate but oxygen IS flowing…”
I'm on my way to Chicago,
we've been in the air about 10 mins.
I fly so much I can just feel when something isn't right...
I don't feel the airplane pressure on my chest,
My ears are popping abnormally,
I'm burping like I just drank a case of ginger ale...
Then we hear:
"Ah, Ladies and Gentlemen, we're losing cabin pressure,
we're gonna go on and turn around back to the airport
before we "LOSE THE CABIN"-
Flight attendants prepare for landing..."

Um... "Lose the cabin?" o...k...
People were too scared to scream after that!!
All you could hear was the wheezing of folks trying
to suck air from their masks!! It was crazy!!
I know one thing for sure- from now on-
I will ALWAYS pay attention to the safety video! hahaha!
Anyway, the show went well.
I didn't take any pics with my own camera-
but these were sent to me by Ann Marie!

(Mikey, Doug, Me, Scott)

(Me, Scott -our sound engineer)
After a few other towns and cities (private shows- no pics)
We ended up at the Atlanta Civic Center for
the Tom Joyner Morning Skyshow.
We had to be there at 4 AM and do a show at 6 AM.
Now yall KNOW I'm NOT a morning person!! BOO.

(J. Anthony Brown, Me, Tom Joyner)
Well Family-
I'll be home 3 days
and then I'm off to Salem, N. Carolina...
So let me get my read on!

At 10/24/2006 5:27 AM,
Isha said…
Wow! I'm first...How'd that happen?
Old Planes + No new money = LOSS OF CABIN.
I'm glad you're o.k.! and glad we had a great time together.
Be safe, be cool and get some rest ma!
At 10/24/2006 5:28 AM,
Isha said…
P.S. Why does Scott look like a Happy Ice-T? You can tell me later. lol
At 10/24/2006 9:15 AM,
Miz JJ said…
I always pay attention on those safety videos. One time I was watching Oprah and people died trying to get out of the front of the airplane instead of using the other exits. I always book my seat near an emergency exit. I know it probably won't happen, but it can't hurt to be prepared.
My blog is updated so swing by.
As usual I love the pics.
At 10/24/2006 9:23 AM,
African girl, American world said…
girl I was on my over here to demand a new post! I'm so demanding :)
I love sky shows...I've been to one. It was sooo much fun! I swear I'm an old soul.
exactly one week later??? gurl...that is crazy!
Glad you have a 3 day breather. I saw something on BET J the other day...a festival next month and I thought Shan's gonna be there :)
At 10/24/2006 9:24 AM,
African girl, American world said…
ooh and I'm LOVING all these dresses you have on!
At 10/24/2006 11:27 AM,
SomeOne said…
Dang girl 3 whole days.....I dont know if i could be out of town that much.....glad you made it through another horrid plane ride.
At 10/24/2006 11:44 AM,
Lāā said…
Glad to see you made it back safely. Yes you do have a purpose!
If I had been on planes as much as you, I probably would have ignored the safety drill too.
You take beautiful pics.
At 10/24/2006 12:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know how you do it..but obviously you do it well.
At 10/24/2006 4:06 PM,
A.u.n.t. Jackie said…
umm look at Isha in the braids!!!
Look at you in the pretty dress...
And umm Scott. Where's he from again???
At 10/24/2006 8:02 PM,
Angel said…
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At 10/24/2006 8:05 PM,
Angel said…
first let me say, Eid Mubarak! :-)
then i'll say, hell naw for loss of cabin pressure! i was flying this past weekend and the flight attendant was all jokey-jokey with her safety spiel. saying shyt like:
"ladies and gentlemen may i have your attention, even though i know you're not listening anyway..."
"while we never anticipate a change in cabin pressure, if so, we wouldn't have come to work today, please know the oxygen masks will drop from the compartments above your head..."
At 10/25/2006 2:30 AM,
eclectik said…
You just have a uplifting 'happy' blog
maybe it's the colors...maybe it's the smile...though I love the skin
Just makes you not pissed when you click on your page...damn you, I want to keep mean muggin LOL!!!
Tell me something good!
At 10/25/2006 6:04 AM,
BK said…
Girl.. I'm gone continue to pray for you.. them plane incidents are too scary for me!!!!!
As usual you are looking extremely fabulous!!!! You just gave me an idea for my halloween costume though LOL.. I saw that print I might have to be a animal.. sometype of sexy feline..
At 10/25/2006 8:45 AM,
bRandy said…
looking beautifully happy as always...especially that first picture...all this international superstar business is good for ya girlie! :o)
At 10/25/2006 10:15 AM,
mrs.tj said…
I was wondering if you was going to be at that show in the ATL. LOL! I only listen to the morning show when I am going to work, but I thought of you.
At 10/25/2006 1:13 PM,
1969 said…
Do you ever NOT look fabulous? That's why you are the Diva! LOL
Great pics and I am so glad your flight landed safely.
At 10/25/2006 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Isha MADE you go out huh? LOL! Sweet as that chile is? I'm not buying it! Glad you're back Chica!
At 10/25/2006 4:03 PM,
FortuneCookie said…
I hate that airplane, scarin' you like that!
At 10/25/2006 9:37 PM,
tia said…
Girl, your photoblogging has got to be the best ever. In all my blog surfing, I have not seen anyone embed her story consistently and so appropriately like you do!! I don't get to leave a comment here often because I can never think of anything new or fresh to say, and I hate redundancy!! Everybody always beats me to my responses, dangit. LOL So I usually end up just looking and smiling at the joy on your face contrasting with the fussing! LOL!!
But that 4 am thing is crazy. I don't know how morning show people do it!!
At 10/26/2006 12:21 AM,
P said…
You AND Isha are looking GOOD. .
We can't wait until you come back.
PS: LMAO @ the Scott/Ice-T comment. . .hehe.
At 10/26/2006 8:28 PM,
Darbs said…
You and these planes girl....you truly are blessed!
At 10/27/2006 7:28 AM,
Knockout Zed said…
Look at you and Isha! Damn!
I'm already a bad flier, so the plane drama would have made me a hell of a lot more infrequent. But a diva's gotta do what she's gotta do.
At 10/27/2006 9:25 AM,
Hey, sidebar, there is a rumor going around that you sound better than Anita Baker when you sing. If this is true, I'd like to get a copy of anything with you blowing on it... Please!
At 10/28/2006 2:16 AM,
Tracie P. said…
i think a little "on the road" is what i need to make me appreciate all this "at home" i've been doing...
At 10/30/2006 5:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have never been on a flight that lost cabin pressure. I may panic a lil if that happened!!
I am not a mornign person either!! But for some reason I woke up at 8pm this morning.
At 10/30/2006 2:11 PM,
Ms.Honey said…
Ok why are you always so jazzy in your pics LOL...for someone who travels all the dang on time I have never seen a down time pic of you LOL...
I pay attention to the safety videos too cause I am not trying to be the one asking how to work the breathing thing when we're going down LOL...glad you had a nice time..have fun on the next trip
At 11/04/2006 1:07 PM,
TTD said…
u should change ur name to TravelinDiva.. u stay on the road!!! glad everything was ok, even though had the scare...
At 11/11/2006 9:06 PM,
Ananda said…
sistalove, i always love visiting your blog. keep sharing your stories. travel safely. peace and love, ananda
At 11/12/2006 7:04 AM,
Darbs said…
* tap, tap, tap*
Is this thing on???
At 11/14/2006 12:17 PM,
mrs.tj said…
LOL! I was reading thinking DeJaVu...I could have sworn I have read this before. LOL! Then I looked at the date. I must be tired. Holla!
At 11/15/2006 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Girl, I am glad you made it safely... and gorgeous pics btw.... I don't get to stop by as much as I want, but I will have too..
Take care...
At 11/15/2006 3:59 PM,
Little Brown Girl said…
I so love your life...you truly are "THAT DIVA WHO BE SANGIN!!" Keep doing big things chica!!
At 11/17/2006 7:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
(Imma stop coming here everyday. Humph.)
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