The Diva Book

A real life behind the scenes look at the life of the International Superstar Sangindiva...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Momma MADE Me Do It!

Hi everybody!!!!
First let me start off by saying....

I know it has been OVER a month since I
have blogged. Please forgive me!!

I went on an unofficial blog hiatus because
I was going to shut the whole thing down...
but my Mommy said "NO!"
(so I guess that was FINAL! hahaha!)

She called me on the phone-
went into her "momma speech",
made me feel REALLY GUILTY -
and blog today!

I have a post that I have saved from January-
giving all the details of my reasons,
but I will post it later.

On this day of love- I want to " show love"
to a few of our D.C. BLOGGERS!!!

I met BUTTA and CREOLE IN D.C.!!!

O.k. Lemme tell yall 'what had happened' hahaha!

On February 9th and 10th we did two nights at
Constitution Hall in Washington, DC.

I e-mailed Butta and Creole to let them know
I would be in their town, and to see if they wanted
to meet up... And they did!

Creole and I decided to have lunch on Sat. afternoon.

I could tell Ms. Thang was excellent at getting things handled!
She called the place, made the reservations, gave me addresses,
times and numbers! I MEAN she was ON IT!
(I'm actually very glad for that because I'm used to things
being handled for me! hahaha!) I'm such a spoiled diva :)

I got an even MORE special treat because
her handsome husband Robby came too!!!

They make the cutest couple...
and are WONDERFUL hosts!
I was treated to a superb Italian lunch at
the beautiful Cafe Milano. And I must say
Miss Creole is a FASHION DIVA- yesssir!
She was lookin' cute from head to toe!

(and she KNOWS it cuz she's got mirrors!) *inside joke*
I told her we are going to have to go shopping because-
her sense of style is FABULOUS!

And did I metion she is sooo pretty?

Later on that night...
I met up with the infamous BUTTA!

I was really excited to meet her because she is the
VERY FIRST BLOG I READ!! *Look at my links*
Ms. Butta is beautiful!
Her smile just lights up EVERYTHING :)

She hung out with me backstage,
in my dressing room, had dinner with me ANNND
heard all the road gossip :)
(she knows that the PASS HAS POWER!) *inside joke*

I'm so glad we all got to meet up!
FUN times were certainly had by all!

I'm still on the road yall-
I will try to blog more frequently but
I'm working... A LOT so bare with me.
I love you guys!!

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