My 50th Post!

It came up so quickly. I'll be at 100 posts before I know it!
I think this will be a random post because it's 50.
I don't know how I stumbled into blogging, but I'm glad I did.
It has been very therapeutic for me...
It's helped me get back into the habit of writing,
while meeting GREAT people from all over the world.

I've learned a few things about myself since
I started blogging- things like...
Even though throughout the course of the day,
I am a combination of at least 4 different people,
at any given moment- They are ALL nice girls!
Let's see...
I've learned that I don't like STALKERS!

But I'm sure you knew that already.
I mean, who likes a stalker-right?
I've learned that the longer your blog roll gets
the more time you spend on the dang computer
trying to catch up on everyone's lives and biz-nass!

But I'm sure you know FIRST hand how that is...
So let me give you something good, huh?
What is a major lesson I have learned
since I started blogging?
Even though I can go back & forth fighting with ME and MYSELF...

I- have learned that on this journey called life,
there are no right or wrong answers.
I've learned that my steps are ordered and what's for me
I will have. It doesn't matter which route I take to
get there because I am going to end up in the right place.
I've learned that when I was born I was already equipped
with everything that I would need- not to just survive-
but THRIVE in what ever I chose to do.
I've learned that Life IS the gift- so LIVE!

I am a DIVA... not a BITCH.
I've learned there is a BIG difference.
For those of you who know me-you know that I travel a LOT!
( and I LUV it)
When I was a little girl, my dream was to see the
entire world. As I got older, I didn't just want to SEE
the world, I wanted to ENJOY it too :)
Fast forward and here I am!
I was surfing around and found this cool map program
that let's you see on a map how many countries you have
visited in the world. I thought it was pretty cool.
According to the map, I have been to 39 countries which comes
out to be only 16% of the world!
Man! I need to get busy if I plan to see the WHOLE WORLD :)
39 countries 16%
create your own visited country map
The places in RED represent all of the places I have been
in the world. But for me it's even MORE special because
it represents all of the places I have sang...
The RED may represent the places I have been-
but the GRAY reminds me that I have a world
to explore and experience. The GRAY is a world
that has yet to experience the Sangin' Diva...
but when they do...oh what a treat for all of us! :)

The world is bigger than just the United States-
and it is my playground :)
This is why I love being an International Superstar!

I am grateful to God everyday for allowing me
to live off of the gifts he has given me.
I 'm a living witness that 'the just shall live by faith',
because I do it everyday and want for nothing...
Well friends-
This is my last post until Monday.
I'm on my way to lovely San Francisco, CA.

This is strictly a pleasure trip :)
A birthday do-over of sorts...
Ahhh... It is so LOVELY being the Sangin' Diva!
Have a great weekend!

P.S. I tried to make the map
smaller but it won't do it sorry...