Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Friends... How Many of Us Have Them?

There was a time when it seemed like I had a
smorgusboard of friends...
I mean it was like I was the friend magnet-
for all different types of friends.
Friends that would steal your man,
Friends that would backstab you,
Friends that would stab you in the forehead,
Friends that would talk behind your back,
Freinds that would talk about you to your face,
Friends that would tell lies TO and ON you...
Friends that should NOT be your friends.
As I got older and dare I say- wiser-
I changed friends...
and the number of them became much smaller.

I have one friend in particular-
who is my oldest friend.
We have known each other since we were 13.
She is the sweetest, funniest, down to earth
person I know.
( Hey P- She's the one who told me!! )

(Me and Annisa having miso soup and sushi)
We are ladies who lunch and shop. (OFTEN!!)
We have shared tears and secrets,
milestones and setbacks,
problems and playgrounds (with our boys)
to beauty tips and break-ups...
It is good to have friends that are TRUE and REAL.

So blogger fam my question for you is-
FRIENDS- How many of us have them?
Tell me about it...

Monday, August 21, 2006
Dirty House? ... Clean it up!

It is not a secret to anyone who knows me
that I am NOT NEAT!
ANNND I'm really spoiled -but that's another post :)
My point is is that my house has gotten to the point
of damn ridiculous! I mean REALLY.
There comes a time when you are tired of walking over
piles of clothes and shoes.
A time when you say to yourself -
"Self - get your lazy azz up and clean up!"
A time when you are disgusted by your own filth...

Today I am going on a full out house cleaning campaign!

(but not THIS clean- scrubbin' walls ain't my thang)
I have 3 suitcases in the middle of the floor.
(full suitcases mind you...)

(no, this is NOT my house)
I need to get my wash on-

And clean my dirty room...

(no, this is NOT my room)
I live in hotels-so when I come home,
it seems like the maid should clean up
for me here too!

I don't know why I just don't hire someone.
GLAM and ISHA BOTH have one.
Why am I playin'? I'm the Sangindiva-
O.K. It's official- I'm callin'...

Friday, August 18, 2006
Mommy Break...

Aiight I know I have been slackin' on my blogging,
my returning phone calls, and my overall keeping in touch...
BUT I promise you I have a good reason!
My son is home and we've been hangin' HARD !
(My little one lives away for school and is home on break.)
We went to Medieval Times last night- It was GREAT!
He is still talking about it hahahaha! GO GREEN KNIGHT!!!
So anyway-
I am on Mommy Break.
That means: I'm around... just invisible! hahaha!
Huh?... What's that you say?
Oh! *surprise face* well of course!!!
Of course I will leave you with pictures from my last trip!
*No need to thank me* ( ;
After the D, we traveled to Memphis...
but played at the Horseshoe Casino in Tunica.
This was the place where there was NO INTERNET. BOO.
How can a place not have the internet?
Then again, casino's don't want you sitting
on the internet... They want you at a slot machine
LOSIN' ALL YO' MONEY! (bastards!!)
Anyway here I am at sound check.

I must say- although Janet Jackson
wore this shirt a few weeks ago for a radio
interview- I HAD IT FIRST!!!!
ANNND I wore it for the first time at our 2nd
WCBH meeting! --------> SEE??!!
At the Horseshoe backstage-

And of course up close hahaha!

After two days there we moved on to Dallas, TX.
This was a private show for the Dallas chapter
of the Urban League. It was one HUGE party :)
These pics are from after the show-

Me and Joey....

and um... me! hahaha :)
Have a great weekend yall!

Monday, August 14, 2006
Playin' Catch-Up...

Hey Yall!
I am soooo glad I'm home!
After at least a whole day of hibernation
and diva re-grouping- I will get to all of the goods.
I had either been too busy to get online or
the place I was staying didn't have internet...
Either way I was going through information withdrawal!
I will be playing catch up all week :)
When I get rested I will tell you all about the
TSA (Tremendously Stupid A**holes)
and their airport "security"...
(I use this word sooo loosely).

We started off in Detroit for the Chene Park
summer concert series. It's always fun and a cool hang.
This was my second time playing there.
Here are some pics...
(you can always click on the pics to make them bigger)

Canada- across the water...

On my way to sound check-

At sound check...


Backstage up close :)

Blurry stage shot :(

Some of the audience...
I know I'm a little late posting on this-
but hey the Diva has been busy-
so cut a sista some slack :)
Click here for ------> HIS TAKE on what happened :)
The reason I am not posting pictures of ZED
is because I don't have a photo program that
will allow me to blur his handsome face...
Zed came up in the spot looking like a BA-ZILLION BUCKS!!
He had on this fly ass suit and his shoes were KILLIN'!!
Now anyone who knows me for real-
knows about me and "TIES" :)
("Ties" are what I call business men, executives, CEO's...
you know- power men, money men. I only date "ties").
You can tell that in his "real life"-Zed is THAT african! :)
I mean, for real- Zed is runnin' thangs!!
(This is why I'm respecting the no photo rule)
Zed was just as "charming" as he is in his blog...
He offered to be my sex slave-
and even posed nude for me in my private dressing room :)
Zed -I really appreciate you for blessing me with your presence.
You are the BEST! :)
O.k. yall-
I'm tired. I'll have to get to the rest later.
I will be blog lurkin' and catching up all week.
Congrats to Fallen Angel and her team of poets.
We spoke on Saturday when I was in Dallas.
Her team went to the poetry finals!!! YAY!!!
If her team is nearly as talented as SHE is
I know they did great!
Also shout out to The Grown & Sexy Girlfriend Crew!

Thank you guys for the calls, texts,
and love while I was out on the road.
I love yall!!!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Road Rollin'...

As I sit here in the darkness of my hotel room...
(blogging)- I think of how lonely the road can be.
I mean yes, it's cool traveling,

It's cool chillin'-

at sound check....

Hell- it's even nice to have a limo to yourself...

but let's face it- it's lonely :(
Let me clarify- I do have a partner in crime-

But he (Joey) flakes out on me ALL the time!
He will leave me to take a nap in a nano second :)
So THAT is why I'm excited that I am going
to get to meet and hang out with at LEAST
one blogger (ZED) during this run!!
I have a pretty tight schedule for the next 6 days
but I will make sure to take pictures, give you the
scoop and READ YOUR BLOGS-
so that I won't feel so far away.
Happy Monday!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy Friday Folks!
I am on the road so I have
decided to answer a meme that
I got from Will's OLD blog.
(He has about 50!)
Have a GREAT weekend!
Where were you born?
Oakland, Ca
How tall are you?
6 feet without shoes
Where is your ideal house located?
Last person you talked to?
My mother
Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
When was the last time you were at a concert?
um... one that I was on stage singing in?
or one that I watched?
What are your keys on your key chain for?
My house, car, mailbox
What do u wanna bitch about?
The state of our country... but that's another post.
Where is your current pain at?
I'm pain free- and like to keep it that way.
Do you like mustard?
it's aiight...
Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
Whose your favorite person to drunk dial?
I don't drunk dial... I just get drunk :)
Do you say the word ..’biznatch?
uh... no.
Do your parents slap you?
Not anymore-but I used to get the
dog SH*T slapped out of me ALL.THE.TIME.
How many rings till you answer the phone?
Usually 2 or 3.
Do you look like your mom or dad?
My dad... *sigh*
Who was the last person who told you they hated you?
HATE ME? No one... I'm loved and adored by all :)
What color is your razor?
Pastel colors... I like ALL THINGS GIRLY!
How long does it take you in the shower?
I only take baths... showers are for boys.
Can you do a split?
I don't split anything... checks, rent, bills... feel me?
What movie do you want to see right now?
I'd rather see a broadway play. Color Purple anyone?
Do you put lotion on your legs before you wear skirts or shorts?
I oil (not lotion) my body everyday... even if I don't put on clothes.
my skin is the BOMB!
What did you do for New Years?
I rang it in with my sister Nikki, my friend Kenya and friend Sy.
Did you think The Grudge was scary?
I don't waste time I can NEVER get back on bullshyt.
Do you own a camera phone?
Nope. P and Tam are still working on that one.
Would you ever dye your hair red?
Yep, I've been red before... I need to find that pic,
I was CUTE!
What song is overplayed?
No singin' azz Rhianna. She sucks. But she's pretty so I digress...
How many rings are on your fingers right now?
2 one gold band on each hand.
What are you drinking?
Water. The manna of life...ahhh.
Was your mom a cheerleader?
Ummmm, no. But she LOVED booty shorts... hoochie.
Can you pump gas?
Weeelll... I CAN, but there is always some kind
crack head who thinks I shouldn't.
Who is your favorite person to talk to online?
I'm too popular to have a favorite... KIDDING.
I don't really chat online.
What’s the last letter of your middle name?
Do you still talk to your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Who did you vote for on American Idol?
I've never voted... It's rigged.
How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
HA! what's sleep?
Do you drink Egg Nog?
Hell Naw! It's like cinnamon snot!
When was the last time you saw your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Never. He dosen't exsist.
Do you still like the Dixie Chicks, despite the Bush comments?
Do you know how to play poker?
No- but I've got a great poker face. And my STRIP poker skills...
Who do you cheat off of at school?
Nobody. Wait … I’m not in school anymore. lol
Do you wear your seat belt?
What do you sleep in?
My bed-duh.
How many meals do you eat a day?
maybe 1
Is your tongue pierced?
Do you have A.D.D?
When it's convienient... :)
Do you like funny or serious people better?
As long they are appropriately funny or serious they are alright by me.
Don’t be funny in an inappropriate setting or at the expense of someone’s feelings.
Don’t be too serious either…a good sense of humor is worth a goldmine.
Do you hate when ex’s talk about their new gf’s/bf’s?
No- they wouldn't be talking to me anyway
Paris or Nicole?
Neither... I don't love them hoes.
Do you make good pancakes?
Yes, especially when I'm rewarding someone with breakfast
for a job well done the night before :)
Did you eat a cookie today?
No- but a Nestle Oatmeal Scotchie, would be GREAT right now.
Do you know cuss words in other languages?
of course!
Do you hate chocolate?
Yes, I HATE, HATE, HATE Chocolate.
Is your cell usually on vibrate or ring?
ring- I like to dance to my tones!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I Say a Little Prayer For You...

When I was growing up,
prayer was a very important part of my
family structure.
It was something to be taken VERY seriously.
But as I got older, it was also something that
became very personal.
Prayer became my stairway to God.

I remember the first time I really felt prayer worked.
I was 8 years old. Summer was ending and I was to
enter the 4th grade. My 3rd grade year was so horrid
and the teacher so despicable I hated school.
There was a 4th grade teacher's class I wanted to be in
so badly! I thought she was the most beautiful woman ever.
(I now know she changed and shaped my young life).

I remember praying so hard on my top bunk bed.
I prayed EVERY night. I wanted this so bad I could taste it.
I felt in my heart that if God didn't answer this prayer-
I would not believe he was real and would NEVER pray again.
But he did it. God came through for me. And thus built
and unshakeable faith and belief that God will and does
answer prayer. Since then MANY prayers have been
answered and even when the answer was "NO" I still pray.

Have you ever asked someone to pray for you?
Do ever expect them to really do it?
I mean so many times people say-
"Oooh girl, I'mma pray for you" or
"I'm so sorry to hear about (insert tragedy here),
I'm gonna pray for you and your family"
but do you actually think they do it?

Well today- for this "Tell it Tuesday" post,
I will do just that. It can be anonymous or open.
Tell me what you'd like me to stand with you
in prayer about and I will say a prayer for/with you.
So many of my close friends have asked
for me to pray for or with them about something,
For my friends who are praying for
love and companions,

For my friend who is believing for a house,

For my friend who is praying
for a wife and family,

For my friend who is praying for her daughter,

For my friend praying for guidance
about her cheating husband,

For my friend asking God to spare her life,

For my friend praying so desperately
for a baby,

For my friends wanting to be stronger couples,

And for anyone who wants or needs it
for any reason at all...
